FJKM/ Announcement

from the central staff managers of

the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar or « FJKM » .

The central staff managers of the FJKM have a meeting today April 22, 2020, at Ampandrana Antananarivo, and have the following announcements.

As the church is  the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5.13,14), we vigorously participate into the eradication of the pandemy covid-19 in our country. Make various efforts to educate the people about, and to offer the possible help for those in need by means of the different branches.

The church is not only convinced that we face a fight against disease, but also we face a spiritual battle. » For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. » (Ephesians 6.12). Due to that, the needed weapons are spiritual revivals within God’s people and strengthening of their faith, as the psalmist said: » My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God ». Psalms 84.2. Spiritually weak people will get easily sick and succumbed into different evils, on which may lead the country into dooms.


-In respect of the state’s ordinance numbered 2020-420 of April 17, 2020 in this pandemic fight,

-Infront of the the continuation of the health emergency conditions for 15 days all around Madagascar,

-According to the announcement of the Malagasy president of the republic last Sunday evening of the April 19, 2020, about the gradual deconfinement of the people’ s social life.

In account of that,

The central staff managers set the following organizations for all the FJKM Churches around Madagascar :

1-pastors and churches are allowed to open the church buildings, to lead worship services in, either on Sundays or other days, yet with full respect of the following instructions given by the authorities:

a) attendees cannot exceed the number of 50 during one service.

b) pre- preparation of: hand washing with water and soap, settling of the people to respect the 1meter distance inside the church, and no hand shaking.

d) a mask must be continuously put for those who will attend the church sessions, even during the meeting.

e) From the morning until 1 p. m will be the church services.

These must be well respected, as It is written   « Be wise in the way you act »  (colossians 4.5),   But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy. (James 3.17).

2-we reinforce the call that each church may continue their social acts, as much as they can, to those who need help in the congregation or in the society, and endeed to have a special care for those people who work for the church. As It is written : » Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act » . (Proverbs 3.27) .

Let’s reinforce our fellowship and union, and avoid dispute and division.

3-The meeting of the FJKM staff leaders, on which should be held on this month of April must be postponed on an appropriate time, depending on the situation.

We encourage you all to turn always to God as His calling on( Isaiah 45.22) « Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other » and in (Psalms 91.3) « Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence » .

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. (Ephesians 6.10-11)

To God alone be the glory!

Antananarivo, April 22, 2020

In the name of the central staff managers and  the president of the FJKM

Pastor, Irako Andriamahazosoa Ammi.

Perikopa 2024


| | 05. Alahady faha V manaraka ny Paska
Joba 33. 1–7 | Jaona 1. 32–34 | Romana 8. 9–13

Salamo 68. 15–18 | Marka 16. 19–20 | Heb. 9. 23–28

| | 12. Ala. VI man. Paska – Sampana Lehilahy Kristiana
Mpitsara 14. 5–9 | Jaona 16.5–11 | Galatiana 6. 1–10

| | 19. PENTEKOSTA – Mpiasa Foibe FJKM
Isaia 61. 1–3 | Jaona 3. 1–8 | Asan'ny Apostoly 4. 8–12

FJKM Fahazavana


Alahady 21 Aprily 2024

Production FTV